Elena Burykina

Exposed Walls

Exposed Walls is a series of oil paintings of existing Russian monasteries and churches, many of which were built over 400 years ago. The idea of this series was born when the artist worked in an architectural group that designed churches. When working in Moscow and the surrounding areas, the artist photographed each of the churches depicted in the paintings. This series has a special mixed media technique that helps translate the character of each cathedral.

mixed technique with oil on canvas (2012-2017)

Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul. Chattanooga, TN

Mixed media | 24"x 24" | sold

Borovsky Monastery. Domes of The Main Cathedral | mixed technique | 60.9cmx76.2cm (24"x30") | sold

Smolensky Cathedral in the Novodevichy Monastery.| mixed technique | 60.9cmx50.8cm (24"x20") | sold

Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Mosсow | mixed technique | 60.9cmx50.8cm (24"x20") | sold

White – stone Town of Moscow. (The Temple of Prince Vladimir on Ivanov Hill) Москва Белокаменная . Храм равноапостольного князя Владимира на Ивановой горе.| mixed technique | 60.9cmx50.8cm (24"x20") | sold

All Saints Church in Kulishki ( Храм Всех Святых на Кулишках ) | mixed technique | 60.9cmx50.8cm (24"x20")

Cathedral of the Birth of the Mother of God in Borovsky Monastery.| mixed technique | 60.9cmx50.8cm (24"x20")

Monastery of St John the Forerunner on the hill. (Bell tower) / Иоанно-Предтеченский Монастырь на холме.(Колокольня) | mixed technique | 60.9cmx50.8cm (24"x20") sold

The Gatehouse Candlemas Church of Borisoglebsky Monastery (north gate) | mixed technique | 60.9cmx50.8cm (24"x20")

Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Mosсow | mixed technique | 60.9cmx50.8cm (24"x20") | sold